What’s New on Our Calendar to March 5, 2023

100 new genealogy events were added to our calendar this past week!
>>The list of ALL the NEWLY ADDED events is further down this post.<<
See the full
ALL of the upcoming genealogy events.

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Wow – what a week! I’d like to welcome any of the new readers/followers that learned about ConferenceKeeper this past week at RootsTech! Please know that my email and blog posts aren’t usually nearly as long as today’s, and they’re almost always sent/posted on Saturday nights. This week is the exception, since I just returned home after a 4-1/2 hour flight, and I’ve just got so much to share about this past week’s adventures!  But first, there are a few items of “business” before I try to sum up the highlights of my time in Salt Lake City. And as always, you’ll find the list of newly added events further down this page.


This is really important to all genealogists and anyone who cares about access to historical government records! The U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Service (USCIS) has proposed a very large increase in the fees they charge to access historical records that they hold – which includes millions of records of 19th and 20th century immigrants to the US. THESE RECORDS CAN BE FOUND NOWHERE ELSE. They are proposing to raise the fees to as high as $340 for a single document (which in all actuality should be housed at the National Archives and freely available to the public).

A grassroots advocacy campaign called Records Not Revenue (RNR) has ALL of the information you need to know about this proposed rule, and most importantly, HOW to make a difference, at https://www.recordsnotrevenue.com/. Because this proposed rule must go through a comment period, RNR is calling on all genealogists and historians to make a comment voicing opposition to this proposal. The more individual and unique comments USCIS receives on this proposed rule, the better. PLEASE ACT BY MARCH 13, when the comment period will close.


Registration is now open for the 2023 Texas Institute of Genealogical Research (TIGR), to be held virtually,  June 12-16, 2023. “Held every other year, TIGR is a unique five-day learning experience offered to address a critical need for genealogists encountering complex challenges”. This year’s Coordinators for the seven courses offered are Kelvin Meyers, J. Mark Lowe, Judy Russell, Catherine Desmarais, Colleen Robledo Greene, Ari Wilkins, and Paul Woodbury. For course descriptions and full details, see: https://www.txsgs.org/tigr-2023-courses/


The Genealogical Forum of Oregon’s Virtual Open House starts next Saturday, March 11, and goes thru the 19th, during which time they’ll be offering 29 free classes on a variety of topics. It’s a really great opportunity to learn new skills as well as to get to know what the society has to offer. (Spoiler alert: some really great member benefits!) Check out the schedule and register in advance (Free) https://gfo.org/learn/open-house-2023.html


Appleton Public Library‘s upcoming webinar, “Find Your Ancestors: More than Money and Land – The Evolution of Bounty Land, Military Pensions, and Alternative Records” with Debra Dudek, which was  previously scheduled on March 18, has been changed to Sunday, March 19.  All who have already registered via Zoom will use the same link to join the program. If you have registered and are not able to attend the new time, the program will be recorded and an email with a link to the recording will be sent to all who register. The Appleton Library folks send their apologies  for the inconvenience. (If you haven’t yet registered and would like to, please go to https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_nvgoPxEjRw6gXUlZdscdNw


My full three days of RootsTech were spent catching up with long-time genealogy friends, meeting new ones,  and learning about all sorts of new genealogy products, tools, and events. I absolutely loved being able to finally meet in person people that I’ve only met via email or social media, like Else Churchill from the Society of Genealogists; Helen Tovey, editor of Family Tree magazine (UK); genealogical mystery crime novelist Nathan Dylan Goodwin; the popular speaker Dr. Penny Walters; and the new executive director of the International Institute of Genealogical Studies, Angela Breidenbach.

I was also introduced to Aimee and Heidi, who were at RootsTech representing the DNAngels nonprofit group. This wonderful group are dedicated to helping anyone searching for their biological family using DNA interpretation, mapping and research – and they do it for free. (for more info please see https://www.dnangels.org/)

I stumbled on a real surprise while at the booth learning about  Artifcts. They have created a website and mobile app where you can create a digital collection of objects, like heirloom dishes, jewelry — anything, really — and then capture your story of what it means to you. While speaking to the two nice folks behind the table, I learned that one of them was none other than Matt Paxton, one of the “featured cleaners” on the TV show “Hoarders” for 15 seasons. I had to get a selfie with him, because my two adult daughters are huge fans! We got to talking about our kids and families, as well – he’s really a super nice guy. You can check out the Artifcts online exhibitor page at RootsTech.org, or their website at https://artifcts.com

Maybe it was because I haven’t been to a big in-person conference since 2020, but every booth, every vendor seemed to have something new to learn about.  MyHeritage has rolled out a whole lot of new features, including cM Explainer, which predicts possible relationships between two people as well as determines their most recent common ancestor and shows the relationship path. Another new featurs is the ability to color code your family tree. But the most meaningful announcement, I think, is the launch of the 3rd installment of their DNA Quest project, which will provide 5,000 free DNA kits to adoptees and family members of those searching for adoptees.  Anyone over 18 that meets the criteria can apply until March 17. (Apply at https://dnaquest.org/)

I was also really impressed with the way Vivid Pix is continuing to grow, providing valuable products and information to the genealogy community, and now working with NGS to help and support societies with programs and education. If you’re connected to a society, check out their new Family Matters programs! https://www.vivid-pix.com/familymatters/

New to me was the booth for EphemeraSearch, which is an online database of old mail. They’re mission is to digitize   old postcards, letters, telegrams, and other ephemera so genealogists can search for their ancestors’ correspondence. https://www.ephemerasearch.com

And because I spent today flying home and would really like to go to bed soon (but newsletter first!) I’m only going to mention one more booth that caught my eye. Cite-Builder is an easy online tool for helping to create genealogy citations. There is a free version of the tool and a paid version, and I can’t wait to have some time to try it out! cite-builder.com

My apologies for any errors this week, or anything that I may have overlooked! As always, please don’t hesitate to use the CONTACT form on the website or email me at info@conferencekeeper.org if you have any suggestions, comments, or questions. I always have access to my email 🙂  I hope y’all have a great week!

– Tami Osmer Mize

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  • March 11 to 17 – Registration window open for Genealogical Institute on Federal Records (Gen-Fed) (In-person)
  • March 11 – Early pricing ends for 41st Annual Ozarks Genealogical Society Conference (Hybrid): “Following the Paths of Our Wandering Ancestors” featuring Annette Burke Lyttle 
  • March 12 – Official booking closing date for The Guild 42nd Annual Conference and AGM 2023 “Spires and Squires”
  • March 17 – Early Registration ends for Ohio Genealogical Society’s 2023 Spring Conference “What Brought Them Here 1803–2023”
  • March 31 – Early pricing ends for The National Genealogical Society (NGS) 2023 Family History Conference – Virginia: The Deep Roots of a Nation


Find details of these and more at  http://conferencekeeper.org/call-for-papers/

  • Submit by March 19  – Course proposals for Applied Genealogy Institute Fall 2023 Session
  • Submit by March 19 – APG 2023 Professional Management Conference, “Reset, Refresh, Refine Your Genealogy Career” 
  • Submit by March 30 – NorthStar Genealogy Conference

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Below is a list of the events that were added this past week.
(See the Calendar pages for complete details of these and ALL upcoming events!)

ConferenceKeeper.org is a completely free service to the genealogy community, providing a genealogy calendar of events from a variety of sources. We are not affiliated with any of the shared events.

Mar 07  (Hybrid/Illinois) “They Lived Where? Tips for Researching Locations” presented by Laura Kovarik presented by Elgin (IL) Genealogical Society  (Free)  www.elginroots.com

Mar 07  (VIRTUAL) Tacoma Pierce County Genealogical Society Legacy Family Tree SIG Meeting  presented by the Tacoma Pierce County Genealogical Society  (Free)  https:\\www.tpcgs.org

Mar 08  (VIRTUAL) DNA Workshop presented by Florida Genealogical Society   (members only)  www.fgstampa.org

Mar 08  (VIRTUAL) Monthly Program:  Using Google Earth for Genealogy presented by The Pikes Peak Genealogical Society  (Free) You can request a ZOOM Invitation from president@ppgs.org.  https://ppgs.org/contact.php

Mar 08  (VIRTUAL) Genealogy Basics: Finding Female Ancestors presented by the Salinas Public Library  (Free)  https://salinaspubliclibrary.org/learn-explore/research-learning/events/virtual-genealogy-basics-finding-female-ancestors

Mar 09  (Hybrid/Strafford, PA) The Legacy of the American Memory Collection: An Overview of the Digital Collections Located at the Library of Congress presented by Main Line Genealogy Club  (Free/$)  http://www.mainlinegenealogy.org/contact-us/

Mar 09  (Hybrid/IL) Writing a Personal Urban History: The Importance of Genealogy and Local History for Understanding US History presented by The Newberry Library  (Free)  https://www.newberry.org/calendar/writing-a-personal-urban-history

Mar 10  (In-Person /WA) Intro To Genealogy – Led by the Tacoma Pierce County Genealogical Society presented by the Parkland/Spanaway Library of Pierce County, Washington  (Free)  www.piercecountylibrary.org

Mar 11  (Hybrid/IN) Your Family, Your Story:  Oral Histories presented by the Genealogical  Society of Marion County (GSMC) (free) https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYofuCgqDoiGtcNul28U-OhDaZY6X2WaYcL

Mar 11  (Hybrid/CA) German and French Immigration in Mexico with John P. Schmal presented by Society of Hispanic Historical and Ancestral Research  (Free)  https://shhar.org/

Mar 11  (In-Person /KS) National Genealogy Day Open House and Resource Fair presented by Johnson County Library  (Free)  https://jocolibrary.bibliocommons.com/events/6390bab4efa418870daae6a2

Mar 12  (In-Person /UK) Official booking closing date for The Guild 42nd Annual Conference and AGM 2023 “Spires and Squires” presented by Guild of One-Name Studies  ($)  https://one-name.org/guild-conference-agm/

Mar 13  (VIRTUAL) Introduction to Online Research in Alsace-Lorraine presented by Lorain County Chapter of Ohio Genealogy Society  (Free)  www.loraincoogs.org

Mar 13  (VIRTUAL) Jewish Genealogy: Researching Jewish Families in America: Synagogue Records as a Genealogical Resource” by Ellen Kowitt presented by Jewish Genealogical Society of Washington State (JGSWS)  (Free/$)  https://jgsws.org/meetings.php

Mar 14  (Hybrid/CO) The Bad Old Days Of Colorado presented by COLUMBINE GENEALOGICAL & HISTORICAL SOCIETY   (Free)  ColumbineGenealogy@gmail.com

Mar 14  (In-Person /WY) Get Out the New! Newspaper Research presented by Teton County Library  (Free)  https://tclib.evanced.info/signup/EventDetails?EventId=7634

Mar 14  (VIRTUAL) GRIVA DNA Special Interest Group (SIG) presented by Genealogical Research Institute of Virginia  (Free)  https://tinyurl.com/GRIVADNAMar2023

Mar 15  (VIRTUAL) Slaves and Highlanders: Silenced Histories of Scotland and the Caribbean presented by History Scotland  ($)  https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/1716662690415/WN_s-829guIRqSzjEHH-Uljog

Mar 15  (VIRTUAL) Writing Workshop  presented by Florida Genealogical Society   (members only)  www.fgstampa.org

Mar 16  (In-Person /WY) Family Tree Maker Support presented by Teton County Library  (Free)  https://tclib.evanced.info/signup/EventDetails?EventId=7637

Mar 16  (VIRTUAL) The Records that Tragedy Leaves Behind, with Gena Philibert-Ortega presented by Massachusetts Society of Genealogists  (members only)  https://msoginc.org/eventListings.php?nm=107&page=1&nr=50&ec=5&tf=12

Mar 16  (VIRTUAL) Deeper Analysis: Techniques for Successful Problem Solving, with Elissa Scalise Powell presented by Florida State Genealogical Society  (Free)  https://fsgs.org/future-webinars/deeper-analysis-techniques-for-successful-problem-solving-16-mar-2023/

Mar 16  (VIRTUAL) Beyond Dry Facts: Telling the Stories of Your Ancestors presented by Larimer County Genealogical Society  (Free)  https://www.lcgsco.org/events/program-beyond-dry-facts-telling-the-stories-of-your-ancestors/

Mar 18  (In-Person /CO) Genealogy 101 “Getting Started Researching Your Family Tree” With Instructor Chris Pederson presented by Broomfield Genealogy Center  (Free)  https://broomfieldgensoc.org/event/genealogy-101-class-2/

Mar 18  (VIRTUAL) Casualty Identification Program: Identifying Remains of Canadian Service Members presented by Campbell River Genealogy Society  (Free)  https://www.crgenealogysociety.ca

Mar 18  (In-Person /TX) WCGS March Meeting  presented by Walker County Genealogical Society  (Free)  www.wcgstx.org

Mar 18  (VIRTUAL) ZOOM Genealogy Club presented by Godfrey Memorial Library  (Free/$)  www.godfrey.org

Mar 18  (VIRTUAL) Maximizing Research Success in the Bad Arolsen Archives  presented by Polish Genealogical Society of Michigan  (Free)  www.pgsm.org

Mar 18  (VIRTUAL) 8 Steps to Organizing and Preserving Your Family Photographs, with Maureen Taylor presented by Family History Research Center at the Clayton Library Campus  (Free)  https://calendar.houstonlibrary.org/event/10419050

Mar 19   Applied Genealogy Institute Fall 2023 Session presented by Applied Genealogy Institute  ($)  https://appliedgen.institute/call-for-proposals/

Mar 20  (In-Person / KS) Discover Your Family’s Story: Michelle Enke Presents a Guide to researching the DAR records at Wichita’s Advanced Learning Library. presented by Sumner County Historical & Genealogical Society   (Free)  http://ks-schgs.blogspot.com/2023/02/discover-your-family-story-michelle-enke.html

Mar 20  (VIRTUAL) “What’s New in DNA Testing for Genealogy in 2023” by Greg Liverman presented by Broomfield Genealogy Society  (Free)  https://broomfieldgensoc.org/event/dna-update/


Mar 21  (VIRTUAL) Family Tree Software Options, with speaker Kelli Bergheimer presented by Ashland County Chapter Ohio Genealogy Society   (Free)  https://ashlandccogs.org/events/meetings/

Mar 22  (VIRTUAL) Book Club presented by Florida Genealogical Society   (Free)  www.fgstampa.org

Mar 23  (VIRTUAL) Black Historic Sites in Conversation: The Abolitionist Heritage Center presented by Lewis Latimer House Museum  (Free)  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/black-historic-sites-in-conversation-the-abolitionist-heritage-center-tickets-522975663287

Mar 25  (VIRTUAL) Understanding the Naturalization Process in the United States,By Seema Kenney presented by Swedish American Museum  (Free/$)  https://swedishamericanmuseum.org/event/genealogy-session-online-23/

Mar 25  (VIRTUAL) “Ask an Archivist” – Patricia Liddell Researchers: Preserving Family History presented by Chicago Public Library  (Free)  https://chipublib.bibliocommons.com/events/63c6e0da3bc3f3360092659e

Mar 25  (VIRTUAL) Strat Liddiard Papers – A Liddiard study from circa 1880-1960 from 3 generations of Liddiard’s presented by Guild of One-Name Studies  (Free)  https://one-name.org/events/

Mar 25  (In-Person /MA) Explore Harmony Cemetery presented by Merrimack Valley Chapter of the Massachusetts Society of Genealogists  (Free)  https://msoginc.org/eventListings.php?nm=107&page=1&nr=50&ec=3&tf=12

Mar 26  (Hybrid/PA) Once More Under the Clock: Remembering Kaufmann’s presented by The Jewish Genealogy Society of Pittsburgh and The Rauh Jewish Archives  (Free)  https://www.heinzhistorycenter.org/event/once-more-under-the-clock-remembering-kaufmanns/

Mar 26  (Hybrid/) “Navigating the Center for Jewish History Catalog”  presented by Jewish Genealogical Society of Illinois  (Free)  https://jgsi.org/Events-calendar

Mar 29  (VIRTUAL) The Lost Choir, royal tombs and Liturgy of Dunfermline Abbey, Fife presented by History Scotland  ($)  https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/5016745558900/WN_VLDT-wHZRsK9dahSLn5h_g

Mar 29  (VIRTUAL) South Side Home Movie Project: Preserving Our Memories for the Future presented by Chicago Public Library  (Free)  https://chipublib.bibliocommons.com/events/63f8ea00899c7e8c07a9aa06

Apr 01  (Hybrid/IN) Indiana Genealogical Society 2023 Annual Conference presented by Indiana Genealogical Society  ($)  http://www.indgensoc.org/2023conference.php

Apr 01  (Hybrid/Fl) Tackling a Research Project with Gena Philbert Ortega presented by Florida Genealogical Society   (Free)  www.fgstampa.org

Apr 01  (Hybrid/FL) Memorial Day: Letters Home – GSBC Members and Guests Share Family Letters presented by Genealogical Society of Broward County  (Free)  https://gsbcfl.org/eventListings.php?nm=71

Apr 04  (VIRTUAL) The Past is Prologue: The Orphan Train Movement presented by Johnson County Library  (Free)  https://jocolibrary.bibliocommons.com/events/639362f89e00b42800cc85b2

Apr 04  (VIRTUAL) Genealogy Basics Series: Using the Census presented by the Salinas Public Library  (Free)  https://salinaspubliclibrary.org/learn-explore/research-learning/events/virtual-genealogy-basics-using-census

Apr 06  (VIRTUAL) DNA Basics III (Ancestry.com DNA} presented by the Pinellas Genealogy Society  (Free)  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMpc-qorTooE9JW5OMnaJJkM9Fh1VeHegJM

Apr 08  (VIRTUAL) DNA Advanced Genetic Genealogy Discussion presented by the Pinellas Genealogy Society  (Free)  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwtce2oqzsjHdG3ngvmXUFMc62VYtGw1LmY

Apr 10  (Hybrid/FL) Excel for Genealogy presented by the Pinellas Genealogy Society  (Free)  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0of-yorjMqHt3drJ6_cQ6C761hQ3hIurMr

Apr 15  (Hybrid/FL) Digging In The Dirt with Debbie Wilson Smyth presented by the Pinellas Genealogy Society  (Free)  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEqcOuvrzkiHtbHl9fjiJlf1G3ttzDAEd9N

Apr 15  (Hybrid/MA) Using DNA To Solve Unknown Parentage Mysteries, with Michelle Leonard presented by Bristol Chapter, Massachusetts Society of Genealogists  (Free)  https://msoginc.org/eventListings.php?nm=107&page=1&nr=50&ec=2&tf=12

Apr 15  (VIRTUAL) Using Autosomal DNA to Find an Unknown Ancestor and bread down those Brick Walls presented by Greg Liverman. presented by Castle Rock Colorado Genealogical Society  (Free)  https://www.crcgs.org

Apr 15  (VIRTUAL) Genealogy Garage: The Changing Borders of Eastern Europe presented by Los Angeles Public Library  (Free)  https://www.lapl.org/whats-on/events/genealogy-garage-changing-borders-eastern-europe

Sep 21  (VIRTUAL) UGA Summit of Excellence Conference: Finding Your Focus presented by Utah Genealogical Association  (Free/$)  https://ugagenealogy.org

Apr 16  (Hybrid/PA) JGS Pittsburgh Presents: When Henry Silverstein Got Cold presented by Jewish Genealogy Society of Pittsburgh  (Free)  https://www.heinzhistorycenter.org/event/jgs-pittsburgh-presents-when-henry-silverstein-got-cold/

Apr 18  (Hybrid/FL) Powerpoint For Genealogy presented by the Pinellas Genealogy Society  (Free)  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZErduCrpjgqGN2FJFYRiQFVGn6gVEcCjsFG

Apr 18  (VIRTUAL) SCCHGS Monthly Meeting “Stories from the Immigrants from 80 Countries Who Immigrated Through Angel Island” by Grant Din presented by The Santa Clara County Historical and Genealogical Society  (Free) 

Apr 19  (VIRTUAL) How to stage a riot in 1690s Scotland presented by History Scotland  ($)  https://www.historyscotland.com/virtual-events/online-lectures//how-to-stage-a-riot-in-1690s-scotland-19-april

Apr 20  (VIRTUAL) The Five-Story Fall: Correlating Indirect and Direct Evidence to Extend the Pedigree, with Debra S. Mieszala presented by Florida State Genealogical Society  (Free)  https://fsgs.org/future-webinars/the-five-story-fall-correlating-indirect-and-direct-evidence-to-extend-the-pedigree-20-apr-2023/

Apr 21  (In-Person /AU) In the footsteps of our ANZACS – Australian Seminar presented by Guild of One-Name Studies  ($)  https://one-name.org/guild-conference-agm/

Apr 21  (In-Person /UK) The Guild 42nd Annual Conference and AGM 2023 “Spires and Squires” presented by Guild of One-Name Studies  ($)  https://one-name.org/guild-conference-agm/

Apr 22  (VIRTUAL) Nova Scotia Genealogy Virtual Conference presented by Genealogical Association of Nova Scotia  ($)  www.nsgenconference.ca

Apr 22  (VIRTUAL) Arizona Genealogy Day presented by Arizona Genealogical Advisory Board and the Arizona State Library, Archives, & Public Records   (Free)  http://go.azsos.gov/azgenday23

Apr 22  (VIRTUAL) “Ask an Archivist” – Patricia Liddell Researchers: Preserving Family History presented by Chicago Public Library  (Free)  https://chipublib.bibliocommons.com/events/63c6e0da3bc3f3360092659f

Apr 25  (VIRTUAL) DNA Interest Group presented by the Pinellas Genealogy Society  (Free)  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAocO2hrDIiH9VDe2BaW6l0D-bC2kaQ3ycl

Apr 25  (VIRTUAL) Putting It All Together: Making Sense of All the Research You’ve Done presented by the Wake County Genealogical Society  (Free)  www.wakecogen.org

Apr 27  (Hybrid/FL) Google (Yes, Google!) presented by the Pinellas Genealogy Society  (Free)  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0kdOyvqTMtEtFf4rwAquFFcBbsHk_qsAf6

Apr 29  (Hybrid/NY) Genealogy in Bloom with special guest presenter Jean Wilcox Hibben, PhD, MA presented by Rochester Genealogical Society – Rochester, New York  (Free/$)  https://www.nyrgs.org/genealogy_in_bloom.php

May 07  (Hybrid/FL) Memorial Day: Letters Home – GSBC Members and Guests Share Family Letters presented by Genealogical Society of Broward County  (Free)  https://gsbcfl.org/eventListings.php?nm=71

May 13  (VIRTUAL) Hidden Gems: Slave Narratives and the Freedman’s Bureau with Ari Wilkins presented by Middlesex Chapter, Massachusetts Society of Genealogists (Free)  https://tinyurl.com/yfrachwc

May 13  (In-Person /UK) Travel and Mobility Seminar presented by Guild of One-Name Studies  ($)  https://one-name.org/events/?mc_id=1931

May 20  (Hybrid/PA) Family History Sampler: Different Strategies for Diverse Ancestors presented by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania and the Genealogy Society of Pennsylvania  ($)  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/family-history-sampler-different-strategies-for-diverse-ancestors-tickets-558311894907?aff=conferencekeeper

May 20  (Hybrid/CO) Ellis Island Stories presented by Fred Voss presented by Castle Rock Colorado Genealogical Society  (Free)  https://www.crcgs.org

May 23  (VIRTUAL) Visualizing Complex Relationships: Use Diagrams to Show Pedigree Collapse and Multiple Relationships  presented by the Wake County Genealogical Society  (Free)  www.wakecogen.org

Jun 10  (VIRTUAL) Setting Sail to the Mayflower Society with the Silver Books as your Guide by Bonnie Wade-Mucia presented by Middlesex Chapter, Massachusetts Society of Genealogists (Free)  https://tinyurl.com/yfrachwc

Jun 27  (VIRTUAL) Songs of the Enslaved and Downtrodden  presented by the Wake County Genealogical Society  (Free)  www.wakecogen.org

Jul 06  (VIRTUAL) Beginning DNA: Basics presented by the Heritage Quest Research Library  (Free)  www.hqrl.com

Jul 08  (In-Person /UK) Diving Deep into Family History Documents Seminar presented by Guild of One-Name Studies  ($)  https://one-name.org/events/?mc_id=1932

Jul 15  (Hybrid/CO) “Missing: Reward!  Finding Widows, Spinsters, & Bachelors” – Presented by Sara Cochran presented by Castle Rock Colorado Genealogical Society  (Free)  https://www.crcgs.org

Jul 20  (VIRTUAL) Beginning Genealogy Part A presented by the Heritage Quest Research Library  (Free)  www.hqrl.com

Jul 25  (VIRTUAL) The Trail Through Penns Woods, Records of Colonial Pennsylvania  presented by the Wake County Genealogical Society  (Free)  www.wakecogen.org

Aug 03  (VIRTUAL) DNA Tools presented by the Heritage Quest Research Library  ($)  www.hqrl.com

Aug 17  (VIRTUAL) Beginning Genealogy Part B presented by the Heritage Quest Research Library  (Free)  www.hqrl.com

Aug 19  (Hybrid/CO) “My Black Sheep: Finding Truth in Family Stories” – Presented by Tamara Hallo presented by Castle Rock Colorado Genealogical Society  (Free)  https://www.crcgs.org

Sep 07  (VIRTUAL) Autosomal DNA Matches presented by the Heritage Quest Research Library  ($)  www.hqrl.com

Sep 16  (Hybrid/CA) WAGS meeting: “ Telling Your Family Story with Google Earth – Tamara Hallo, MLS presented by Whittier Area Genealogical Society  (Free)  www.WAGSWhittier.org

Sep 21  (VIRTUAL) UGA Summit of Excellence Conference: Finding Your Focus presented by Utah Genealogical Association  (Free/$)  https://ugagenealogy.org

Oct 14  (In-Person /UK) Apprenticeships, Friendly Societies, Guilds and Trade Unions Seminar presented by Guild of One-Name Studies  ($)  https://one-name.org/events/?mc_id=1932

Oct 21  (Hybrid/CO) “Help I Don’t Speak the Language: Tips and Tricks” – Presented by Katherine Schober  presented by Castle Rock Colorado Genealogical Society  (Free)  https://www.crcgs.org

Oct 21  (Hybrid/CA) WAGS meeting: “ Cryptic Codes: What do those Letters, Numbers and Stamps mean on Passenger Manifests?” – Christine Cohen  presented by Whittier Area Genealogical Society   (Free)  www.WAGSWhittier.org

Nov 18  (Hybrid/CA) WAGS meeting: “Newspapers: Above the Fold, Your Ancestors in the News” – Jeanette Sheliga  presented by Whittier Area Genealogical Society   (Free)  www.WAGSWhittier.org

Dec 16  (Hybrid/CA) WAGS meeting: “Show and Tell” – WAGS Members  presented by Whittier Area Genealogical Society   (Free)  www.WAGSWhittier.org



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See the COMPLETE calendar on the ConferenceKeeper.org website for more complete information and event details, and to see what’s coming up this week



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SUBMIT YOUR EVENTS AT: https://conferencekeeper.org/event-submissions/

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Genealogy ConferenceKeeper.org, Inc. is recognized as a tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. ConferenceKeeper.org is run entirely by unpaid volunteer effort. Donations support the maintenance, and improvement of www.ConferenceKeeper.org, which in turn helps support genealogical societies, libraries, and the genealogy community as a whole.  You may donate by clicking the PayPal button if you are so inclined 🙂

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