Genealogy Events Calendar | Live – Virtual – Conferences – Seminars – Webinars and more

free genealogy events calendar is the most complete genealogy calendar of events anywhere!  Here you will find thousands of genealogy webinars, seminars, conferences, workshops, podcasts and more, from genealogy societies, libraries, and other organizations all around the world.

Sign up for our once-weekly email to get news, deadlines, and updates, and see the events that were added the previous week.

What Can You Find Here?

The large colorful NAVIGATION buttons
above, will quickly take you
to the following pages:

  • CALENDAR: A traditional calendar view with ALL the genealogy events on all of our calendars.
  • VIRTUAL: A calendar of online genealogy events, including hybrid events.
  • DNA: A calendar of events focused on genetic genealogy.
  • BY LOCATION: Individual calendars sorted by the geographical location of the host, and include both in-person and virtual events. The US location pages also includea list of genealogy societies, with links, for each state.
  • CONFERENCES: A page listing only genealogy conferences, in-person and virtual.
  • CALL FOR PAPERS: A list of opportunities for genealogy speakers and writers.
  • CONTESTS: Genealogy-related giveaways
  • VOLUNTEER: Opportunities to share your time and talents, whether you have a minute or an hour to spare.
  • GRANTS & SCHOLARSHIPS: Financial gifts and assistance available within the genealogy community.
  • GENEALOGICAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS: Education institutions that offer degree or certificate programs.
  • JOBS: Employment opportunities for genealogists
  • YOUTUBE channels of genealogists
  • PODCASTS about areas of genealogy
  • SUBMIT EVENTS: Easy event submission form.

More pages are available under
the tabs of the green MENU BAR
at the top of each page:

  • HOME: About, FAQs, Thank You To Our Advertisers (all of the current advertisers), and Advertising on ConferenceKeeper with a downloadable PDF of details.
  • CONFERENCES: A calendar of ONLY genealogy conferences – in-person, virtual and hybrid.
  • CALENDAR: Calendar(all events) / Virtual (online & hybrid events) / African American Research Events / DNA Events 
  • LOCATIONS: US(by state) / Australia / Canada (by province)/ Ireland / Israel / United Kingdom (divided into England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales) / Virtual and > Travel Tours and Cruises
  • OTHER EVENTS & OPPORTUNITIES: Awards, Grants & Scholarships / Calls for Presentations & Papers / Contests / Cruises, Travel, and Tours / Education – Certificates & Degree Programs / Jobs / Podcasts / Promoted Events & Offers / Speakers / Volunteer Opportunities / YouTube Channels
  • WHAT’S NEW: Blog/Events Added This Past Week(Includes the list of events added the previous week, plus timely news and information for the genealogy community) / Get Updates! Sign up for our once-weekly newsletter that includes genealogy event information, updates, deadlines, and more.
  • SUBMISSIONS: A form to submit events.
  • CONTACT: A simple form to send us a message

How to Submit Genealogy Conferences & Events!

We welcome genealogy event submissions from anyone, anywhere: Local, state, national, and international societies; libraries, both public and private; as well as individuals or businesses. This is a completely FREE service to the genealogy community!

You may use the Submissions tab on the website, the form at,  or if you have several events to submit or update, you may email them to

Every submission is reviewed before adding it to the calendar (to avoid the occasional Geology or Gynecology submission – yes, it happens!). So don’t stress if you’re not exactly sure how to fill out the form, or your genealogy event submission doesn’t appear immediately on the calendar.  If you notice an error or omission, you can either resubmit, or just email me and I’ll get it fixed for you.   Entries are reviewed throughout the week and posted to the website.

An email is sent to all subscribers every Sunday afternoon — the only email that you’ll receive if you’re on the mailing list. It includes a list of only the new genealogy events added to the website and calendar from the previous week, plus important upcoming deadlines and other useful information for the genealogy community. You can subscribe here.

All For FREE! provides these services completely free of charge  as a service to the genealogy community. Our expenses are supported by donations and genealogy-specific advertising that you may see on the sidebars of several pages. Occasionally a newsletter will include a sponsored advertisement, but it is clearly indicated as such.

If you appreciate our service, please consider using the Donate button on the side of any of our pages.
If you are interested in advertising on our site, please contact us at

Our Mission

The mission of ConferenceKeeper is to help individuals increase their knowledge, skills, and enjoyment of genealogical research by sharing details of genealogy events of all kinds.  Through submissions and online searches, ConferenceKeeper curates and organizes details of genealogy events and shares the information on a single, organized website and across various social media channels, including Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.

And one more thing…

Please share with your Genealogy friends and societies!

We’re happy to help keep the genealogy community apprised of all of the great events coming up.
If you’re using our website to help populate your own events calendars, please consider acknowledging
Thank you!

Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to keep up with upcoming conferences, seminars, and other local genealogy meetings! You can also sign up to follow our blog via email. We send out a once-weekly update of all the new events added to the calendar the previous week, plus upcoming deadlines.


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