What’s New on Our Calendar to January 21, 2024

230 new genealogy events added to our calendar this past week!
>>The list of ALL the NEWLY ADDED events is further down this post.<<
ALL of the upcoming genealogy events.

This week’s email is kindly being sponsored by
Applied Genealogy Institute

The Applied Genealogy Institute (AppGen) offers stress-free registration, small, virtual classes, useful homework assignments, and helpful teacher-student interactions. Apply to attend one of the Spring 2024 sessions by 11:59 pm PT, this coming Thursday, Jan 25! Full details at https://appliedgen.institute/spring-2024-classes/

It’s been another banner week, with 230 new events added to the calendar! So many great topics on just about every aspect of genealogy research, and a huge variety of speakers too. Be sure to check out the full list of the newly added genealogy programs and events below! And of course, check the calendar pages to see what’s coming up this week (you don’t want to miss anything!) You can find different calendars under the CALENDAR tab, but remember, you can search any of the calendars for any keyword or name too!

Neat things are happening on the ConferenceKeeper – The Group Facebook page! This past week, a society had a speaker cancel at the last minute, and posted on the group page to see whether anyone might be available to fill the spot. Within minutes, many responded — including several well-known speakers — and the society’s speaker crisis was quickly averted. I hadn’t thought of this use for the group, but obviously it’s an excellent one (in addition to being yet another place to publicize your events). I do my best to keep it spam-free, requiring a couple questions that anyone who has even dabbled in genealogy would know the answer to.

I have it on fairly good authority that the RootsTech schedule of classes and events may be available by the end of this month. For many of us (of a certain age), it’s like getting the Sears Christmas “Wish Book” when we were kids! I look forward to eagerly perusing all of the fabulous offerings to decide which classes to take or which videos to watch first! I’ll keep you updated both here and on the ConferenceKeeper Facebook pages. Until then, consider downloading the RootsTech app to your phone; it’s on Google Play and the Apple App Store (search RootsTech). RootsTech will be both in-person in Salt Lake City Feb. 29 thru March 2, as well as virtual.


January is always a good time to join or renew your memberships with genealogy societies in order to take full advantage of all the membership benefits for the year. Don’t limit yourself to just your local society — consider joining societies in areas that your ancestors lived, or even just those whose programs you’ve often attended. Dues that I’ve seen range from $10 to $50/year, and benefits vary, with some societies offering access to local resources, past webinar recordings and handouts, and even online access to major subscription genealogy websites. It’s important to support society efforts, especially when they’re offering free programs to the public! You can find lists of societies for each state on the US State locations pages.

If you have any questions, corrections, comments, or concerns, please let me know! You may reach me through either the CONTACT form on the website or email at info@conferencekeeper.org .
– Tami Osmer Mize

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The listing below is only those that are new or with deadlines coming soon. Find details of these and MORE at  http://conferencekeeper.org/call-for-papers/

  • Submit by Jan 28 – 44th IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy
  • Submit by Jan 30 – 2024 Brigham Young University Family History Technology Workshop
  • NEW! Submit Feb 20 – Fairfax Genealogical Society is requesting speaker proposals for 2024/2025 programs

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Below is a list of the events that were added this past week. (See the Calendar pages for complete details of these and ALL upcoming events!)

  • ConferenceKeeper.org is a completely free service to the genealogy community, providing a genealogy calendar of events from a variety of sources. We are not affiliated with any of the shared events.
  • Please verify event dates and times with event hosts.
  • To open a URL in a new tab, hold the Control (Ctrl) key while clicking Enter.

Newly added events hosted by NGS Member Societies & Libraries:

Jan 20   (VIRTUAL) Genealogy Resources at the Denver Public Library – CGS Monthly Meeting presented by Colorado Genealogical Society  (Free)  https://www.denverlibrary.org/event/cgs-monthly-meeting-genealogy-resources-denver-public-library

Jan 20   (VIRTUAL) ABCs of DNA | Back to Basics: Understanding Autosomal, Mitochondrial, X-DNA, and Y-DNA Inheritance Patterns presented by The Albuquerque Genealogical Society  (Free)  https://abqgen.org/events/monthly-abcs-of-dna-program-jan-2024/

Jan 20   (VIRTUAL) Live Q & A Discussion : Family Tree Maker® with Mark Olsen  presented by The Sonoma County Genealogical Society   (Free)  Register at https://www.scgsonline.org

Jan 23   (VIRTUAL) Using the FamilySearch Wiki presented by FamilySearch Library, Salt Lake City  (Free)  https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/FamilySearch_Library_Classes_and_Webinars

Jan 23   (VIRTUAL) More than Money and Land – The Evolution of Bounty Land, Military Pensions, and Alternative Service, with Debra Dudek presented by Wake County Genealogical Society   (Free)  https://www.wakecogen.org/index.php

Jan 28   (In-Person /MN) Starting Your Family Tree presented by Minnesota Genealogical Society  (Free)  https://mngs.org/event-5572327

Jan 30   (VIRTUAL) FamilySearch Family Tree: Overview and Navigation presented by FamilySearch Library, Salt Lake City  (Free)  https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/FamilySearch_Library_Classes_and_Webinars

Feb 01   (VIRTUAL) Finding Enslaved African American Ancestors in New England presented by American Ancestors by New England Historic Genealogical Society  (Free)  https://www.americanancestors.org/events/finding-enslaved-african-american-ancestors-new-england

Feb 01   (Hybrid/OR) Where There’s a Will… Wills and Probate presented by Rogue Valley Genealogical Society  ($)  https://rvgslibrary.org/calendar.asp?view=event&eventid=355&date=2/1/2024

Feb 01   (VIRTUAL) DNA Matching Made Easy on MyHeritage presented by the Genealogy Center at Allen County Public Library  (Free)  https://acpl.libnet.info/event/9938388

Feb 01   (VIRTUAL) DNA Basics II (Shared Matches) presented by the Pinellas Genealogy Society  (Free)  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMpc-qorTooE9JW5OMnaJJkM9Fh1VeHegJM

Feb 01   (In-Person /TX) Kelly Crager: “The Vietnam Center and Sam Johnson Vietnam Archive.” Grand Prairie Genealogical Society Meeting presented by Grand Prairie Genealogical Society  (Free)  www.gpgstx.org

Feb 03   (VIRTUAL) Family Tree Maker User Group presented by the Pinellas Genealogy Society  (Free)  https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMrceirqTwpH9VDtxwGZb_0DsRmQueT5XMe

Feb 03   (Hybrid/US) Astrology Genealogy presented by Oberlin African-American Genealogy & History Group (Free)  www.oaaghg.com

Feb 03   (VIRTUAL) CGSI Czech & Slovak Research Discussion Group presented by Czechoslovak Genealogical Society International  (members only)  https://cgsi.org/events/cgsi-czech-slovak-research-discussion-group-online-event-4

Feb 05   (VIRTUAL) German Genealogy Special Interest Group presented by the Pinellas Genealogy Society  (Free)  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZArceyorD8rEtS5sN1SvXnwktttZK7uysKt

Feb 06   (VIRTUAL) FamilySearch Family Tree: Person Page presented by FamilySearch Library, Salt Lake City  (Free)  https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/FamilySearch_Library_Classes_and_Webinars

Feb 06   (Hybrid/FL) Family Tree Maker 2019 Basics – Part 1 presented by the Pinellas Genealogy Society  (Free)  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZErce-ppjgvHdNvWLbEQ5l5v6P-fZ-ORV3_

Feb 06   (VIRTUAL) Genealogy in the Netherlands – An Introduction presented by the Genealogy Center at Allen County Public Library  (Free)  https://acpl.libnet.info/event/9938393

Feb 06   (VIRTUAL) The Great Migration Study Project Continues: Series 3, 1636-1638 presented by American Ancestors by New England Historic Genealogical Society  (Free)  https://www.americanancestors.org/events/great-migration-study-project-continues-series-3-1636-1638

Feb 06   (VIRTUAL) Lisa Belkin with Genealogy of a Murder: Four Generations, Three Families, One Fateful Night presented by American Ancestors by New England Historic Genealogical Society  ($)  https://www.americanancestors.org/events/lisa-belkin-genealogy-murder-four-generations-three-families-one-fateful-night

Feb 07   (Hybrid/FL) FUNdamentals of DNA presented by the Pinellas Genealogy Society  (Free)  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcucOCupjMrEt1m0iCUKhHwyIjstYiCYdWU

Feb 07   (VIRTUAL) Demystifying DNA: Getting Started with Genetic Genealogy presented by American Ancestors by New England Historic Genealogical Society  ($)  https://www.americanancestors.org/events/demystifying-dna-getting-started-genetic-genealogy

Feb 07   (VIRTUAL) Culture Conversation: A’Lelia Bundles – Madam C. J. Walker biographer and great-great-granddaughter, talks about family and historical research presented by the National Genealogical Society  (Free)  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwtcuuvqjIsHN228YOS20B8JGDH-xyR_q9z#/registration

Feb 08   (Hybrid/FL) They Lived Where? Using City Directories in Genealogy Research presented by the Pinellas Genealogy Society  (Free)  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEkf-CqpjsvEtTK3pqQELJ-Qb1s–0DUdoT

Feb 08   (VIRTUAL) Family History Roundtable: Traveling for Your Research presented by American Ancestors by New England Historic Genealogical Society  (Free)  https://www.americanancestors.org/events/family-history-roundtable-traveling-your-research

Feb 08   (Hybrid/VA) Records of the Freedmen’s Bureau: There’s something for everyone! With Renate Yarborough Sanders presented by The Virginia Beach Genealogical Society  (Free)  https://www.vbgsva.net/

Feb 08   (VIRTUAL) Museums Have Records Too! Locating Your Ancestors   – Behind Closed Doors presented by the Genealogy Center at Allen County Public Library  (Free)  https://acpl.libnet.info/event/9941239

Feb 08   (VIRTUAL) Are You a Genealogy Spelunker or Caver? Exploring the Deep Recesses of the Family Tree by Jean Wilcox Hibben, PhD, MA presented by the Fox Valley Genealogical Society  (Free)  https://ilfvgs.org/

Feb 10   (VIRTUAL) Writing Special Interest Group presented by the Pinellas Genealogy Society  (Free)  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAtdOuhrzwuHN3UZjKITNsPKMSC-i2M3xiT

Feb 12   (Hybrid/FL) King Phillip’s War, 1675-1676: Causes and Consequences presented by the Pinellas Genealogy Society  (Free)  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwrdeuvqzorH93WTV5ah0ElZHnSXDKcnf0P

Feb 13   (VIRTUAL) FamilySearch Family Tree: Adding New Individuals presented by FamilySearch Library, Salt Lake City  (Free)  https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/FamilySearch_Library_Classes_and_Webinars

Feb 13   (Hybrid/FL) Family Tree Maker 2019 Basics – Part 2 presented by the Pinellas Genealogy Society  (Free)  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEucOCrrjIpEtQZ8E6tUn2gv3ppWBxxp_TJ

Feb 13   (Hybrid/OR) German Interest Group presented by Rogue Valley Genealogical Society  (Free)  https://rvgslibrary.org

Feb 13   (VIRTUAL) Tracing the Path of African Americans from Enslavement to Freedom presented by the Genealogy Center at Allen County Public Library  (Free)  https://acpl.libnet.info/event/9938395

Feb 13   (Hybrid/CO) Be A Detective: Searching for an Adopted Child’s Birth Parents presented by Columbine Genealogical & Historical Society  (Free)  columbinegenealogy.com

Feb 14   (Hybrid/OR) Genetic Genealogy Interest Group presented by Rogue Valley Genealogical Society  (Free)  https://rvgslibrary.org/index.asp

Feb 15   (Hybrid/FL) First Germans in America presented by the Pinellas Genealogy Society  (Free)  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYsdO-oqj8vHtVl59M4j7P62_Ur-PY5-Px_

Feb 15   (VIRTUAL) Records and Resources at Library and Archives Canada: Online and Onsite presented by American Ancestors by New England Historic Genealogical Society  (Free)  https://www.americanancestors.org/events/records-and-resources-library-and-archives-canada-online-and-onsite

Feb 15   (VIRTUAL) Cassandra Good with First Family: George Washington’s Heirs and the Making of America presented by American Ancestors by New England Historic Genealogical Society  (Free)  https://www.americanancestors.org/events/cassandra-good-first-family-george-washingtons-heirs-and-making-america

Feb 15   (VIRTUAL) Native American – First Nations Genealogical Research presented by the Genealogy Center at Allen County Public Library  (Free)  https://acpl.libnet.info/event/9938399

Feb 17   (Hybrid/FL) Introduction to Church Records: Why We Care Where Grandma Went to Church presented by the Pinellas Genealogy Society  (Free)  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEqcOuvrzkiHtbHl9fjiJlf1G3ttzDAEd9N

Feb 17   (Hybrid/CA) Exploring Records of the Freedmen’s Bureau: What’s In It For Me? by Renate Yarborough Sanders presented by Santa Barbara County Genealogical Society  (Free)  https://sbgen.org/meetings-classes/calendar/#!event/2024/2/17/january-general-meeting-featuring-elizabeth-swanay-o-apos-neal

Feb 19   (Hybrid/MI) PERSI, with ACPL Senior Genealogy Librarian Kate McKenzie – KVGS General Meeting presented by Kalamazoo Valley Genealogical Society  (Free)  www.mikvgs.org

Feb 19   (VIRTUAL) Germans to America Midwest 1848-1900 presented by The Zion Genealogical Society  (Free)  www.zgsil.org

Feb 20   (VIRTUAL) FamilySearch Family Tree: Merging Duplicate Individuals presented by FamilySearch Library, Salt Lake City  (Free)  https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/FamilySearch_Library_Classes_and_Webinars

Feb 20   (Hybrid/FL) Family Tree Maker 2019 Basics – Part 3 presented by the Pinellas Genealogy Society  (Free)  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAlceyuqTwiGtM7NOnDLaSjebF1GDWg-pzW

Feb 20   (VIRTUAL) Using Permanent.org: Preserving the Digital Legacy of Your Family presented by the Genealogy Center at Allen County Public Library  (Free)  https://acpl.libnet.info/event/9958955

Feb 20   (VIRTUAL) The “Bounty” in Bounty Land Records presented by Columbine Genealogical & Historical Society  (Free)  columbinegenealogy@gmail.com

Feb 20  CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS  Requesting speaker proposals for 2024/2025 programs presented by Fairfax Genealogical Society    www.conferencekeeper.org/call-for-papers

Feb 20   (Hybrid/CA) SCCHGS General Meeting: “From 1619 to Juneteenth – Slavery and the Law Before the Civil War” by Judy G. Russell, The Legal Genealogist® presented by The Santa Clara County Historical and Genealogical Society  (Free)  https://www.scchgs.org

Feb 21   (VIRTUAL) African American Genealogy Workshop presented by LA County Library  (Free)  https://visit.lacountylibrary.org/event/9912829

Feb 22   (VIRTUAL) A Beginner’s Guide to Romanian Genealogy presented by the Genealogy Center at Allen County Public Library  (Free)  https://acpl.libnet.info/event/9941413

Feb 26   (VIRTUAL) Ilyon Woo with Master Slave Husband Wife: An Epic Journey from Slavery to Freedom presented by American Ancestors by New England Historic Genealogical Society  (Free)  https://www.americanancestors.org/events/ilyon-woo-master-slave-husband-wife-epic-journey-slavery-freedom

Feb 27   (VIRTUAL) FamilySearch Family Tree: Correcting Relationships presented by FamilySearch Library, Salt Lake City  (Free)  https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/FamilySearch_Library_Classes_and_Webinars

Feb 27   (VIRTUAL) DNA Interest Group presented by the Pinellas Genealogy Society  (Free)  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAocO2hrDIiH9VDe2BaW6l0D-bC2kaQ3ycl

Feb 27   (VIRTUAL) Family History in the Oklahoma State Archives presented by the Genealogy Center at Allen County Public Library  (Free)  https://acpl.libnet.info/event/9938411

Feb 28   (VIRTUAL) Using Irish Land Records in Your Family History Research (Wed., thru March 27) presented by American Ancestors by New England Historic Genealogical Society  ($)  https://www.americanancestors.org/events/using-irish-land-records-your-family-history-research

Feb 29   (Hybrid/FL) Immigration and Passenger Lists presented by the Pinellas Genealogy Society  (Free)  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0tdu-upzktGNT0kmfLZDQmZ3YzBq8yGJq6

Mar 05   (VIRTUAL) FamilySearch Family Tree: Record Hints and Sources presented by FamilySearch Library, Salt Lake City  (Free)  https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/FamilySearch_Library_Classes_and_Webinars

Mar 05   (VIRTUAL) Finding Her: Our Female Ancestor presented by the Genealogy Center at Allen County Public Library  (Free)  https://acpl.libnet.info/event/9961533

Mar 07   (VIRTUAL) Sorting Your DNA Match Lists presented by the Genealogy Center at Allen County Public Library  (Free)  https://acpl.libnet.info/event/9951976

Mar 12   (VIRTUAL) FamilySearch Family Tree: Adding Memories presented by FamilySearch Library, Salt Lake City  (Free)  https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/FamilySearch_Library_Classes_and_Webinars

Mar 12   (VIRTUAL) Digging for Courthouse Records presented by the Genealogy Center at Allen County Public Library  (Free)  https://acpl.libnet.info/event/9952027

Mar 12   (Hybrid/CO) Women’s Lives in the British Isles and Ireland presented by Columbine Genealogical & Historical Society  (Free)  columbine genealogy.com

Mar 14   (VIRTUAL) Getting out of the Archives and Into the Pubs to Trace Your – Irish Ancestry presented by the Genealogy Center at Allen County Public Library  (Free)  https://acpl.libnet.info/event/9953109

Mar 18   (Hybrid/MI) Fort Custer National Cemetery, with Ryan Sanford – KVGS General Meeting presented by Kalamazoo Valley Genealogical Society  (Free)  www.mikvgs.org

Mar 19   (VIRTUAL) Overview of FamilySearch presented by FamilySearch Library, Salt Lake City  (Free)  https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/FamilySearch_Library_Classes_and_Webinars

Mar 19   (VIRTUAL) Vital Records of Pennsylvania from 1682 to Today presented by the Genealogy Center at Allen County Public Library  (Free)  https://acpl.libnet.info/event/9953246

Mar 19   (VIRTUAL) Documenting Sources in Family Tree Maker and Ancestry.com; and Creating GEDCOM files presented by Columbine Genealogical & Historical Society  (Free)  columbinegenealogy.com

Mar 21   (VIRTUAL) United States Military Records: A General Overview presented by the Genealogy Center at Allen County Public Library  (Free)  https://acpl.libnet.info/event/9953342

Mar 23   (Hybrid/MN) Using Swedish Tax Records to Solve Tough Genealogical Problems presented by Swedish Genealogical Society of Minnesota  (Free/$)  www.sgsmn.org

Mar 26   (VIRTUAL) Searching on FamilySearch presented by FamilySearch Library, Salt Lake City  (Free)  https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/FamilySearch_Library_Classes_and_Webinars

Mar 26   (VIRTUAL) Specifics of Genealogical Research in Russia presented by the Genealogy Center at Allen County Public Library  (Free)  https://acpl.libnet.info/event/9989453

Mar 28   (VIRTUAL) Discover Your Irish Ancestors Using the Periodical Source   – Index (PERSI) presented by the Genealogy Center at Allen County Public Library  (Free)  https://acpl.libnet.info/event/9958817

Apr 09   (VIRTUAL) Providing a Sense of Place: Enhancing Your Family History with the National Monuments Record of Wales  presented by the Genealogy Center at Allen County Public Library  (Free)  https://acpl.libnet.info/event/9988962

Apr 09   (Hybrid/CO) Lineage Societies – What, Why and How presented by Columbine Genealogical & Historical Society  (Free)  columbinegenealogy.com

Apr 10   (Hybrid/IN) ACGSI Hybrid Program – Clerk of the Allen Circuit and  – Superior Courts presented by the Genealogy Center at Allen County Public Library  (Free)  https://acpl.libnet.info/event/9223040

Apr 11   (VIRTUAL) Growing Little Leaves: Children and Genealogy presented by the Genealogy Center at Allen County Public Library  (Free)  https://acpl.libnet.info/event/9988981

Apr 11   (VIRTUAL) DNA Presentation Two surprises and a bombshell !  presented by Contra Costa Genealogical Society  (Free)  www.cccgs.net

Apr 13   (Hybrid/MI) 2024 Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center Day! with KVGS presented by Kalamazoo Valley Genealogical Society  (Free)  www.mikvgs.org

Apr 15   (Hybrid/MI) The Art of Story Finding, with Michael Delaware – KVGS General Meeting presented by Kalamazoo Valley Genealogical Society  (Free)  www.mikvgs.org

Apr 16   (VIRTUAL) Researching Immigration: Passenger Lists presented by the Genealogy Center at Allen County Public Library  (Free)  https://acpl.libnet.info/event/9989251

Apr 16   (VIRTUAL) Skills Session: Creating a Research Plan presented by Columbine Genealogical & Historical Society  (Free)  columbinegenealogy.com

Apr 18   (VIRTUAL) PERSI Explorer: Tracing Your Roots using the   – Periodical Source Index presented by the Genealogy Center at Allen County Public Library  (Free)  https://acpl.libnet.info/event/9989311

Apr 20-21   (In-Person /IA) Forgotten Czech, Slovak & Carpatho-Rusyn Heroes and Research Presentations & Workshops – 2024 CGSI Symposium presented by Czechoslovak Genealogical Society International  ($)  https://cgsi.org/2024-cgsi-symposium

Apr 23   (VIRTUAL) DNA Relationships Explained presented by the Genealogy Center at Allen County Public Library  (Free)  https://acpl.libnet.info/event/9991678

Apr 25   (VIRTUAL) How to Tap into Tax Records to Enrich Your Genealogy  – Research presented by the Genealogy Center at Allen County Public Library  (Free)  https://acpl.libnet.info/event/9989105

May 14   (Hybrid/CO) Migration of the Northern Italians to Silver Plume, Colorado presented by Columbine Genealogical & Historical Society  (Free)  columbinegenealogy.com

May 20   (Hybrid/MI) Planning a Research Vacation & Washington D.C. Trip, with KVGS Vice President/Program Chair Jim Jackson – KVGS General Meeting presented by Kalamazoo Valley Genealogical Society  (Free)  www.mikvgs.org

Newly added genealogy events from all others:

Jan 17   (VIRTUAL) Finding Pictures: Subject Indexing Pictures Using Thesaurus for Graphic Materials (TGM) presented by Library of Congress  (Free)  https://www.loc.gov/item/event-411652/finding-pictures-subject-indexing-pictures-using-tgm/2024-01-17/

Jan 18   (VIRTUAL) Baa Baa Black Sheep presented by Elgin, Illinois Genealogical Society  (Free)  www.elginroots.com

Jan 20   (In-Person /US) 43rd Annual Ancestor Roundup Genealogy Seminar 2024 presented by Commodore Sloat Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution  ($)  www.monterey.californiadar.org

Jan 20   (VIRTUAL) Using the Family History Guide presented by Northwest Indiana Genealogical Society NWIGS  (Free)  www.nwigs.com

Jan 20   (VIRTUAL) A New Strategy for Brick Walls presented by Ottawa Branch, Ontario Ancestors  (Free)  https://ottawa.ogs.on.ca/events/

Jan 20   (In-Person /CT) Family Bible Scanning Days presented by Abigail Wolcott Ellsworth chapter, NSDAR, in partnership with the Windsor Historical Society  (Free)  https://windsorhistoricalsociety.org/event/family-bible-scanning-days/

Jan 21   (VIRTUAL) Writing a Family History Using AI Chat, with James Tanner presented by BYU Family History Library  (Free)   https://fh.lib.byu.edu/classes-and-webinars/sunday-classes/

Jan 21   (VIRTUAL) FamilySearch Campaigns, with Jerroleen Sorensen presented by BYU Family History Library  (Free)   https://fh.lib.byu.edu/classes-and-webinars/sunday-classes/

Jan 22   (Hybrid/LA) DNA and Your Family History presented by East Baton Rouge Parish Library  (Free)  https://ebrpl.libguides.com/c.php?g=44597&p=281873

Jan 22   (In-Person /CT) Family Bible Scanning Days presented by Abigail Wolcott Ellsworth chapter, NSDAR, in partnership with the Windsor Historical Society  (Free)  https://windsorhistoricalsociety.org/event/family-bible-scanning-days-2/

Jan 22   (VIRTUAL) Personal Archiving: The Basics of Saving Your Family Papers presented by Central Arkansas Library System (CALS)  (Free)  https://events.cals.org/event/9862952

Jan 22   (VIRTUAL) Genealogy Week! Taming the Chaos – Organizing Your Genealogy Research, with Lisa Lisson presented by Harford County Public Library  (Free)  https://programs.hcplonline.org/event/9450565

Jan 22   (In-Person /IL) Beginning Genealogy presented by Arlington Heights Memorial Library  (Free)  https://www.ahml.info/scheduling/reservation/131027

Jan 22   (In-Person /IL) Unlocking The Secrets of Your Family Tree presented by Plainfield Area Public Library  (Free)  https://plainfieldpubliclibrary.librarymarket.com/event/unlocking-secrets-your-family-tree-65593

Jan 23   (VIRTUAL) Researching Women and Gender at the Library: Finding Women’s, Gender, and LGBTQIA+ Perspectives presented by Library of Congress  (Free)  https://www.loc.gov/item/event-411644/researching-women-and-gender-at-the-library-finding-womens-gender-and-lgbtqia+-perspectives/2024-01-23/

Jan 23   ((Hybrid/CA)) The Research Process/Evaluate by Shauna Longstaff presented by Los Angeles FamilySearch Center  (Free)  https://churchofjesuschrist.zoom.us/j/95462341725?pwd=dmxZaWNGR1hpWVlCM1lYaHBENERLdz09#success

Jan 23   (VIRTUAL) How Genealogy Was Done Before the Internet: Past Sources Still Viable, with Judy Zaccagnini Flynn  presented by The Canadian 🇨🇦eSIG of the Genalogical Society of Collier County  (Free)  https://alsqda.wordpress.com/

Jan 23   (VIRTUAL) Genealogy Week! Where to Find Maryland Genealogy Resources, with Caprice DiLiello presented by Harford County Public Library  (Free)  https://programs.hcplonline.org/event/9450514

Jan 23   (VIRTUAL) Surprising and Uncommon Records (in Our Library and Online) In Which You May Find Your Hudson Valley Ancestor. presented by Ulster County Genealogical Society  (Free)  www.usgsny.org

Jan 23   (In-Person /RI) Do you Think You Have A Revolutionary War Patriot Ancestor? presented by the Rhode Island Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR)  (Free)  email  info@rhodeislandsar.org

Jan 23   (VIRTUAL) Write Your Family History One Chapter at a Time – AGS Kitchen Roundtable Talks presented by Arkansas Genealogical Society  (Free)  https://argensoc.org/kitchen/

Jan 23   (VIRTUAL) Tacoma-Pierce County Genealogical Society DNA Special Interest Group Meeting presented by the Tacoma-Pierce County Genealogical Society  (Free)  https://tpcgs.org

Jan 24   ((Hybrid/CA)) Fan Chart by Teresa Carter presented by Los Angeles FamilySearch Center  (Free)  https://churchofjesuschrist.zoom.us/j/95462341725?pwd=dmxZaWNGR1hpWVlCM1lYaHBENERLdz09#success

Jan 24   ((Hybrid/CA)) Adding Memories to FamilySearch by Clark Jenkins presented by Los Angeles FamilySearch Center  (Free)  https://churchofjesuschrist.zoom.us/j/95462341725?pwd=dmxZaWNGR1hpWVlCM1lYaHBENERLdz09#success

Jan 24   (VIRTUAL) Grantee, Grantor, Et Uxor: Deciphering Deeds in Western Pennsylvania presented by Cranberry Genealogy Club  (Free)  https://www.cranberrygenealogy.org/

Jan 25   ((Hybrid/CA)) Merging Duplicates by Cindy Mills presented by Los Angeles FamilySearch Center  (Free)  https://churchofjesuschrist.zoom.us/j/95462341725?pwd=dmxZaWNGR1hpWVlCM1lYaHBENERLdz09#success

Jan 25   (VIRTUAL) Genealogy Week! Migration Trails Across America, with Peggy Clemens Lauritzen presented by Harford County Public Library  (Free)  https://programs.hcplonline.org/event/9450226

Jan 25   (VIRTUAL) Understanding German Cultural Background, with Larry Jensen presented by BYU Family History Library  (Free)   https://fh.lib.byu.edu/classes-and-webinars/online-webinars/

Jan 26   ((Hybrid/CA)) Did You Know? New & Hidden Features on FamilySearch by Annette Hurst presented by Los Angeles FamilySearch Center  (Free)  https://churchofjesuschrist.zoom.us/j/95462341725?pwd=dmxZaWNGR1hpWVlCM1lYaHBENERLdz09#success

Jan 26   (In-Person /MD) Genealogy After Hours presented by Harford County Public Library  (Free)  https://programs.hcplonline.org/event/9262979

Jan 27   (Hybrid/WA) Websites for Researching Your Family History presented by Puget Sound Genealogical Society  (Free)  psgsociety.org

Jan 27   ((Hybrid/CA)) German Geography and History by John Schmal presented by Los Angeles FamilySearch Center  (Free)  https://churchofjesuschrist.zoom.us/j/95462341725?pwd=dmxZaWNGR1hpWVlCM1lYaHBENERLdz09#success

Jan 27   (In-Person /CA) Geneology 101: Setting Up Your Initial Ancestry.com Family Tree presented by Hermosa Beach Museum  ($)  https://hermosabeachmuseum-bloom.kindful.com/e/geneology-101-setting-up-your-initial-ancestrycom-family-tree

Jan 28   (VIRTUAL) Just Can’t Get Enough of Eastern Europe presented by Halton-Peel Branch, Ontario Ancestors  (Free)  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcodOmorzMsH9KPu0IvM6Z3yM3x2ICS1MXP

Jan 28   (VIRTUAL) Family History Helper Series (for Latter-day Saints) 2: Teaching Skills for Helpers, with Kathryn Grant  presented by BYU Family History Library  (Free)   https://fh.lib.byu.edu/classes-and-webinars/sunday-classes/

Jan 30  TOUR  (In-Person /KY) 5th Tuesday TRIP to LFPL Kentucky History Room presented by the Louisville Genealogical Society  (Free)  www.KYLGS.ORG

Jan 31  Deadline (In-Person /DEADLINE)  Early-bird registration deadline for Ontario Ancestors 2024 Conference: An Interactive Experience: Explore, Engage & Enjoy! presented by Ontario Ancestors, hosted by the Toronto Branch  ($)  https://conference2024.ogs.on.ca/

Jan 31   (In-Person /DC) Antonia Hylton, Author of Madness: Race and Insanity in a Jim Crow Asylum presented by National Archives (US)  (Free)  https://www.archives.gov/calendar/event/antonia-hylton-author-of-madness-race-and-insanity-in-a-jim-crow-asylum

Feb 01   (In-Person /MO) Beginning Genealogy for African American Researchers presented by St. Louis County Library  (Free)  https://slcl.evanced.info/signup/EventDetails?EventId=357341&df=list&backTo=List&startDate=2024/01/14&endDate=2024/02/13

Feb 03   (In-Person /CA) “Heirloom Book” by Sandra Sellick presented by Palm Springs Genealogical Society  (Free)  https://palmspringsgensoc.org/?page_id=12

Feb 03   (VIRTUAL) Framing a Life: Birth, Marriage, Children, Death, with Carol Cooke Darrow presented by Westminster Public Library  (Free)  https://westminsterlibrary.evanced.info/signup/EventDetails?EventId=20831&backTo=List&startDate=2024/01/15&endDate=2024/02/14

Feb 03   (In-Person /CT) Bridges and Belonging: The Windsor History Inclusion Project presented by the Windsor Historical Society  (Free)  https://windsorhistoricalsociety.org/event/bridges-and-belonging-the-windsor-history-inclusion-project/

Feb 04   (Hybrid/)  “A Danish West Indian History: One Lineage, Two Families” with Jacklyn Lawrnce – Annual Meeting of the Membership of Caribbean Genealogy Library presented by Caribbean Genealogy Library  (Free/$)  https://cgl.vi/

Feb 05   (VIRTUAL) Exploring FamilySearch.org presented by St. Louis County Library  (Free)  https://slcl.evanced.info/signup/EventDetails?EventId=360935&df=list&backTo=List&startDate=2024/01/14&endDate=2024/02/13

Feb 07   (In-Person /GA) Find your Revolutionary Ancestors presented by Gwinnett County Public Library, Dacula Branch  (Free)  https://gwinnettpl.libnet.info/event/9893341

Feb 08   (VIRTUAL) Genealogy and Eastern Europe Border Changes presented by Surrey Libraries  (Free)  https://www.surreylibraries.ca/events/genealogy-and-eastern-europe-border-changes?eventdate=2024-02-08%2010%3A00%3A00%20

Feb 08   (VIRTUAL) Analyzing Your Research, with Maureen Brady presented by BYU Family History Library  (Free)   https://fh.lib.byu.edu/classes-and-webinars/online-webinars/

Feb 08   (VIRTUAL) Voting Records: the Best Kept Genealogical Secret presented by Eastside Genealogical Society  (Free)  www.eastsidegenealogicalsociety.org

Feb 09   (In-Person /BC) Family History DNA Chat presented by Surrey Libraries  (Free)  https://www.surreylibraries.ca/events/family-history-dna-chat

Feb 09   (VIRTUAL) 17th Century Handwriting: Reading Bradford’s Journal presented by Rodgers Memorial Library Genealogy Club  (Free)  https://events.rodgerslibrary.org/event/11744753

Feb 10   (Hybrid/IL) Why Test My DNA When I Already Know My Ancestors? presented by Glenview Public Library  (Free)  https://glenviewpl.bibliocommons.com/events/650079b853479b37006e48e6

Feb 10   (In-Person /MO) Using the St. Charles County Historical Society Website as Your Gateway to St. Charles County History  presented by St. Louis County Library  (Free)  https://slcl.evanced.info/signup/EventDetails?EventId=335324&df=list&backTo=List&startDate=2024/01/14&endDate=2024/02/13


Feb 12   (VIRTUAL) Finding Family Facts presented by Central Arkansas Library System (CALS)  (Free)  https://events.cals.org/event/9861312

Feb 13   (VIRTUAL) Geography and Map Virtual Orientation presented by Library of Congress  (Free)  https://www.loc.gov/item/event-411702/geography-and-map-virtual-orientation/2024-02-13/

Feb 13   (VIRTUAL) Researching at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library presented by The Urbana Free Library co-sponsored by the Champaign County Genealogical Society  (Free)  https://urbanafreelibrary.libnet.info/event/9621859

Feb 13   (In-Person /MO) Beginning Genealogy for African American Researchers presented by St. Louis County Library  (Free)  https://slcl.evanced.info/signup/EventDetails?EventId=357023&df=list&backTo=List&startDate=2024/01/14&endDate=2024/02/13

Feb 14   (VIRTUAL) Black History Month | Uncovering Black Ancestry Using Passenger Lists presented by Paul Crooks  ($)  https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/black-history-month-uncovering-black-ancestry-using-passenger-lists-tickets-765634622767

Feb 14   (Hybrid/LA) Tracing Your Sicilian Ancestry presented by East Baton Rouge Parish Library  (Free)  https://ebrpl.libguides.com/c.php?g=44597&p=281873

Feb 15   (Hybrid/IL) Genealogy and Artificial Intelligence presented by Elmhurst Public Library  (Free)  https://elmhurstpubliclibrary.evanced.info/signup/EventDetails?EventId=46093

Feb 15   (VIRTUAL) How to Fix Damaged Photos, with James Tanner presented by BYU Family History Library  (Free)   https://fh.lib.byu.edu/classes-and-webinars/online-webinars/

Feb 17   (In-Person /BC) Genealogy Orientation presented by Surrey Libraries  (Free)  https://www.surreylibraries.ca/events/genealogy-orientation-13?eventdate=2024-02-17%2010%3A30%3A00%20

Feb 17   (In-Person /LA) Resources for African American Genealogy presented by East Baton Rouge Parish Library  (Free)  https://ebrpl.libguides.com/c.php?g=44597&p=281873

Feb 17   (In-Person /GA) African American Genealogy with Court Records presented by Gwinnett County Public Library  (Free)  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/african-american-genealogy-with-court-records-tickets-795554132827

Feb 17   (VIRTUAL) Making the Genealogy Center in Fort Wayne Your Research Assistant presented by Northwest Indiana Genealogical Society NWIGS  (Free)  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMpdeyrpjwqGdHrUpMmGqFYrjOP4jjeUOl3

Feb 17   (VIRTUAL) Caribbean Genealogy: How to Trace Your Free People of Color Ancestry  presented by Miami-Dade Public Library  (Free)  https://mdpls.org/event/9084090

Feb 17   (VIRTUAL) What’s Your Plan? (Research plan) presented by Iowa Genealogical Society  ($)  https://iowagenealogy.org/eventListings.php?nm=117&page=1&nr=50&ec=1&tf=12

Feb 17   (In-Person /GA) African American Genealogy, with Tamika Strong presented by Gwinnett County Public Library, Snellville Branch  (Free)  https://gwinnettpl.libnet.info/event/9826460

Feb 18   (Hybrid/MA)

Vital Data in Non-Vital Records and Census and Notary Records in the Austro-Hungarian and Russian Partitions presented by Polish Genealogical Society of America and the Polish Genealogical Society of Massachusetts  (Free/$)  https://pgsa.org/calendar/

Feb 19   (VIRTUAL) Researching Haitian Heritage presented by Arlington Heights Memorial Library  (Free)  https://www.ahml.info/scheduling/reservation/136284

Feb 20   (VIRTUAL) Using ArchiveGrid to plan a genealogy road trip – AGS Kitchen Roundtable Talks presented by Arkansas Genealogical Society  (Free)  https://argensoc.org/kitchen/

Feb 21   (Hybrid/AL) DNA Testing for African Ethnicities, with Paul Boncella presented by Birmingham Public Library  (Free)  https://www.cobpl.org/calendar/?trumbaEmbed=view%3Devent%26eventid%3D171881438

Feb 21   (Hybrid/DC) A Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Library (of the American Revolution Institute of The Society of the Cincinnati) presented by the American Revolution Institute of the Society of the Cincinnati  (Free)  https://www.americanrevolutioninstitute.org/event/panel-discussion-a-celebration-of-the-50th-anniversary-of-the-library/

Feb 23   (In-Person /BC) Fun Family History Friday presented by Surrey Libraries  (Free)  https://www.surreylibraries.ca/events/fun-family-history-friday

Feb 23   (VIRTUAL) Historical Photo Detective: Roadshow! with Maureen Taylor presented by Surrey Libraries  (Free)  https://www.surreylibraries.ca/events/historical-photo-detective-roadshow-0?eventdate=2024-02-23%2010%3A00%3A00%20

Feb 24   (In-Person /CA) Decoding your DNA Seminar with Blaine Bettinger, Ph.D., J.D. presented by Palm Springs Genealogical Society  ($)  https://palmspringsgensoc.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/SEMINAR-2024-oct132023-FINAL-1.pdf

Feb 24   (VIRTUAL) Why Genealogy? An Intro to Researching Your African American Ancestry presented by Arlington Heights Memorial Library  (Free)  https://www.ahml.info/scheduling/reservation/133844

Feb 26   (In-Person /IL) Cyber Sleuthing Your Family Tree presented by Plainfield Area Public Library  (Free)  https://plainfieldpubliclibrary.librarymarket.com/event/cyber-sleuthing-your-family-tree-65594

Feb 28   (VIRTUAL) Fire Insurance Maps: The Google Maps of their Day! presented by Cranberry Genealogy Club  (Free)  https://www.cranberrygenealogy.org/

Feb 28   (Hybrid/DC) The American Revolution in the Old Northwest presented by the American Revolution Institute of the Society of the Cincinnati  (Free)  https://www.americanrevolutioninstitute.org/event/lecture-the-american-revolution-in-the-old-northwest/

Feb 29   (VIRTUAL) Lake County Genealogical Society meeting with guest speaker Deborah A. Abbott, PhD, presenting “A Gift of Life: Who’s Writing Your Story?” presented by Lake County Genealogical Society  (Free)  https:/www.lcgsohio.org

Mar 05   (Hybrid/DC) At War, At Sea: The Legacy of James Forten as a Revolutionary War Veteran presented by the American Revolution Institute of the Society of the Cincinnati  (Free)  https://www.americanrevolutioninstitute.org/event/lecture-at-war-at-sea-the-legacy-of-james-forten-as-a-revolutionary-war-veteran/

Mar 05   (In-Person /GA) Revealing Your Roots presented by Gwinnett County Public Library, Mountain Park Branch Branch  (Free)  https://gwinnettpl.libnet.info/event/9730632#branch

Mar 07   (VIRTUAL) Top Tips for Researching Your German Ancestors, with James M. Beidler presented by Surrey Libraries in partnership with the BC Genealogical Society  (Free)  https://www.surreylibraries.ca/events/top-tips-researching-your-german-ancestors?eventdate=2024-03-07%2011%3A00%3A00%20

Mar 08   (In-Person /BC) Family History DNA Chat presented by Surrey Libraries  (Free)  https://www.surreylibraries.ca/events/family-history-dna-chat

Mar 08   (VIRTUAL) Resources for Genealogical Research in Foreign Countries with Katherine Willson presented by Rodgers Memorial Library Genealogy Club  (Free)  https://events.rodgerslibrary.org/event/11823404

Mar 09   (VIRTUAL) Beginning Genealogy presented by the Newberry Library  ($)  https://www.newberry.org/calendar/beginning-genealogy-crash-course

Mar 09   (VIRTUAL) Clallam County Speaker’s series:  Claire Smith: Shaking Loose the Clues: Using Timelines to Organize your Research presented by Clallam County Genealogical Society  (Free)  www.clallamcogs.org

Mar 09   (In-Person /CA)  “Using DNA and Genealogy” by  Scott Buchanan presented by Palm Springs Genealogical Society  (Free)  https://palmspringsgensoc.org/?page_id=12

Mar 09   (VIRTUAL) Making and Tasting Historical Recipes: Foods of the Age of Exploration and Western Colonialism presented by the Newberry Library  ($)  https://www.newberry.org/calendar/age-of-exploration-recipes

Mar 11   (VIRTUAL) Finding Family Facts presented by Central Arkansas Library System (CALS)  (Free)  https://events.cals.org/event/9861313

Mar 11   (Hybrid/OH) Kate Townsend’s Follow the Records and See Where They Go! presented by Ashtabula County District Library / Ashtabula County Genealogical Society  (Free)  https://www.acdl.info/event/follow-records-and-see-where-they-go-1081

Mar 12   (VIRTUAL) Researching in Irish Records with Gina Gericke presented by The Urbana Free Library co-sponsored by the Champaign County Genealogical Society  (Free)  https://urbanafreelibrary.libnet.info/event/9893355

Mar 13   (Hybrid/IL) Genealogy Club – Finding Family Bible Records  presented by Fountaindale Public Library  (Free)  https://communico.fountaindale.org/event/9546784

Mar 16   (Hybrid/)  All About the Calumet Regional Archives presented by Northwest Indiana Genealogical Society NWIGS  (Free)  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAsdOCrrD0oEt3RdU8dg0Y6siFkNl3CJmuL

Mar 16   (Hybrid/)  All About the Calumet Regional Archives presented by Northwest Indiana Genealogical Society NWIGS  (Free)  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAsdOCrrD0oEt3RdU8dg0Y6siFkNl3CJmuL

Mar 20   (Hybrid/IL) Newspapers.com presented by Glenview Public Library  (Free)  https://glenviewpl.bibliocommons.com/events/657b6c1f67e8ac3700b6b8ad

Mar 22   (In-Person /BC) Fun Family History Friday presented by Surrey Libraries  (Free)  https://www.surreylibraries.ca/events/fun-family-history-friday

Mar 27   (VIRTUAL) Genealogy Club – They Lived Where? Tips for Researching Locations presented by Fountaindale Public Library  (Free)  https://communico.fountaindale.org/event/9546911

Mar 27   (Hybrid/PA) Using Fold3 Library Edition presented by Cranberry Genealogy Club  (Free)  https://www.cranberrygenealogy.org/

Apr 08   (VIRTUAL) Finding Family Facts presented by Central Arkansas Library System (CALS)  (Free)  https://events.cals.org/event/9861314

Apr 08   (Hybrid/OH) Suz Bates’ Using Ancestry Trees Safely and Effectively presented by Ashtabula County District Library / Ashtabula County Genealogical Society  (Free)  https://www.acdl.info/event/using-ancestry-trees-safely-and-effectively-1225

Apr 10   (Hybrid/IL) Genealogy Club – Taming the Wilderness of Northern Illinois presented by Fountaindale Public Library  (Free)  https://communico.fountaindale.org/event/9546971

Apr 12   (In-Person /BC) Family History DNA Chat presented by Surrey Libraries  (Free)  https://www.surreylibraries.ca/events/family-history-dna-chat

Apr 13   (Hybrid/IL) Benjamin Banneker and Us; Eleven Generations of an American Family presented by Glenview Public Library  (Free)  https://glenviewpl.bibliocommons.com/events/657275a5d20c652a4a03e7e2

Apr 16   (Hybrid/DC) Revolutionary Blacks: Discovering the Frank Brothers, Freeborn Men of Color, Soldiers of Independence – an Author’s Talk presented by the American Revolution Institute of the Society of the Cincinnati  (Free)  https://www.americanrevolutioninstitute.org/event/authors-talk-revolutionary-blacks-discovering-the-frank-brothers-freeborn-men-of-color-soldiers-of-independence/

Apr 20   (Hybrid/Merrillville, IN) Genealogy Sharing Session presented by Northwest Indiana Genealogical Society NWIGS  (Free)  www.nwigs.com

Apr 24   (VIRTUAL) Genealogy Club – Searching for Charles  presented by Fountaindale Public Library  (Free)  https://communico.fountaindale.org/event/9546998

Apr 24   (In-Person /IL) Getting Started with Ancestry.com presented by Glenview Public Library  (Free)  https://glenviewpl.bibliocommons.com/events/657b6d8a1abde5420063eee5

Apr 24   (Hybrid/PA) ​Getting to Know the Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center presented by Cranberry Genealogy Club  (Free)  https://www.cranberrygenealogy.org/

Apr 26   (In-Person /BC) Fun Family History Friday presented by Surrey Libraries  (Free)  https://www.surreylibraries.ca/events/fun-family-history-friday

Apr 27   (VIRTUAL) Tacoma-Pierce County Genealogical Society 2024 Virtual Spring Seminar

 presented by the Tacoma-Pierce County Genealogical Society  ($)  https://www.tpcgs.org/cpage.php?pt=3

Apr 27   (VIRTUAL) Analyze Your DNA Matches and Organize Your Research by Kelli Bergheimer presented by Louisville Genealogical Society  ($)  www.KYLGS.ORG

May 08   (Hybrid/IL) Genealogy Club – Graceland Cemetery with Adam Selzer presented by Fountaindale Public Library  (Free)  https://communico.fountaindale.org/event/9546337

May 09   (In-Person /IL) Genealogy Research Night presented by Glenview Public Library  (Free)   https://glenviewpl.bibliocommons.com/events/6579e2be1b80e24800a8dd20

May 10   (In-Person /BC) Family History DNA Chat presented by Surrey Libraries  (Free)  https://www.surreylibraries.ca/events/family-history-dna-chat

May 13   (VIRTUAL) Finding Family Facts presented by Central Arkansas Library System (CALS)  (Free)  https://events.cals.org/event/9861315

May 13   (Hybrid/OH) Steve Szabados’ Writing Your Family History for the Nonwriter presented by Ashtabula County District Library / Ashtabula County Genealogical Society  (Free)  https://www.acdl.info/event/writing-your-family-history-nonwriter-1226

May 14   (VIRTUAL) Female Husbands: A Trans History presented by DAR: Daughters of the American Revolution  (Free)  https://www.dar.org/museum/education/calendar-events

May 15   (Hybrid/IL) Chicago & Cook County Resources presented by Glenview Public Library  (Free)  https://glenviewpl.bibliocommons.com/events/657b71010825261328f37def

May 22   (VIRTUAL) Wanted! Seeking Unknown Parents presented by Fountaindale Public Library  (Free)  https://communico.fountaindale.org/event/9546325

May 24   (In-Person /BC) Fun Family History Friday presented by Surrey Libraries  (Free)  https://www.surreylibraries.ca/events/fun-family-history-friday

Jun 10   (VIRTUAL) Finding Family Facts presented by Central Arkansas Library System (CALS)  (Free)  https://events.cals.org/event/9861316

Jun 10   (Hybrid/OH) Sunny Morton’s Adding Your Own Stories to Your Family History presented by Ashtabula County District Library / Ashtabula County Genealogical Society  (Free)  https://www.acdl.info/event/adding-your-own-stories-your-family-history-1084

Jun 14   (In-Person /BC) Family History DNA Chat presented by Surrey Libraries  (Free)  https://www.surreylibraries.ca/events/family-history-dna-chat

Jun 28   (In-Person /BC) Fun Family History Friday presented by Surrey Libraries  (Free)  https://www.surreylibraries.ca/events/fun-family-history-friday

Jul 08   (VIRTUAL) Finding Family Facts presented by Central Arkansas Library System (CALS)  (Free)  https://events.cals.org/event/9861317

Jul 08   (Hybrid/OH) Steve Szabados’ Organize Your Genealogy: Using Old and New Technology presented by Ashtabula County District Library / Ashtabula County Genealogical Society  (Free)  https://www.acdl.info/event/organize-your-genealogy-using-old-and-new-technology-1085

Jul 09   (VIRTUAL) Dainty Desserts for Dainty People: The Feminized History of Gelatin presented by DAR: Daughters of the American Revolution  (Free)  https://www.dar.org/museum/education/calendar-events

Jul 12   (In-Person /BC) Family History DNA Chat presented by Surrey Libraries  (Free)  https://www.surreylibraries.ca/events/family-history-dna-chat

Jul 26   (In-Person /BC) Fun Family History Friday presented by Surrey Libraries  (Free)  https://www.surreylibraries.ca/events/fun-family-history-friday

Aug 09   (In-Person /BC) Family History DNA Chat presented by Surrey Libraries  (Free)  https://www.surreylibraries.ca/events/family-history-dna-chat

Aug 12   (VIRTUAL) Finding Family Facts presented by Central Arkansas Library System (CALS)  (Free)  https://events.cals.org/event/9861318

Aug 12   (Hybrid/OH) Amber Oldenburg’s Let’s Get Social With Genealogy and Social Media presented by Ashtabula County District Library / Ashtabula County Genealogical Society  (Free)  https://www.acdl.info/event/lets-get-social-genealogy-and-social-media-1086

. . . . .

These are just the events added this past week! See the COMPLETE calendar on the ConferenceKeeper.org website for more complete information and event details, and to see what’s coming up this week



If you’d like your event featured with paid advertising on the website’s sidebars, please see the information at https://conferencekeeper.org/advertising-on-conferencekeeper-org/ and/or contact me at info@conferencekeeper.org.

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