As we approach the end of our second full year of providing the most complete online calendar of genealogy events, we thought it would be a good time to ask for your input.
We’d like to know how we can best serve our followers. In the past, we have avoided sharing every new event added to our calendar, in the interest of not becoming yet another email in your inbox to delete. Rather, we’d like to be informative, helpful, and appreciated!
Please let us know how you feel about the following.
- We continue as we have, only posting occasional items of general interest including contest reminders or important deadlines.
- We add, or replace the current occasional email, with one regular weekly email which lists all the new items added to our calendar, plus any important upcoming deadlines and contests.
- We add, or replace the current occasional email with one regular weekly email which lists all of the events on our calendar for the upcoming week.
What would be most helpful to you? How can ConferenceKeeper better keep you informed of upcoming genealogy events?
We’d love to hear your thoughts! Please either comment below, or email us, at
We’re looking forward to another great year of genealogy events!