- Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1933. My 9th cousin once removed, cousin Frankie 🙂 Also the 32nd president of the United States.
- Isaiah Thomas, 1749. American printer, editor, almanac publisher, historian and founder of the American Antiquarian Society.
- Barbara W. Tuchman, 1912. Historian, journalist and Pulitzer Prize-winning author.
Celebrations                              Â
Something about this date has historically inspired violence. It is the annivesary of Bloody Sunday, the 1972 event where British troops killed 14 Roman Catholics in Ireland during a civil rights march. It’s the anniversary of the execution (beheading) of English King Charles I, 1649; the anniversary of the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi (1948); the beginning of the Tet Offensive; and the day the RAF bombed Hitler.
On a less serious note, it is Inane Answering Message Day.  My all-time favorite answering machine message was:  “You’ve reached the Smith “Summer” home.  Some ‘r here, some ‘r not. Please leave your message.”
Genealogy Events
AR – Beginning Genealogy Class. Â Beginning Genealogy. Seating is limited. Please see http://www.gscca. net/beginning.htm for more information.
AZ: Planning a Research Trip Where: Yuma Main Library, 2951 S 21st Dr., Yuma, AZ. Â Sponsored by Genealogical Society of Yuma, Arizona more info: http://www.gsya. org/home.htm
CA: 33rd Annual Whittier Area Genealogical Society Seminar w/ Thomas MacEntee Where: Masonic Lodge, 7604 Greenleaf Ave at Mar Vista, Whittier, CA. Â Sponsored by Whittier Ariea Genealogical Society. More info: http://www.
Contest deadline. Â
ENG – Free UK Genealogy: An Open Data Future Conference Where: Online and at the The Linnean Society of London. Â The main aim of the conference is to begin a consultation process with our volunteer transcribers, past and present. On 30th January we will be launching a consultation on the wording of a new Transcribers Agreement, and also on the way we will make the change to being an open data organisation. The agreements will secure the future of transcriptions as resources free to access and use by all, forever, by making them open data. For more information: 19269666090
FL – Genealogical Society of Palm Beach County Winter Program with Gary M. Smith Where: at Embassy Suites, 1601 Belvedere Rd., West Palm Beach, FL with Gary M. Smith. 8:30 am to 4:00 pm, $34.00 members, $50.00 non-members meal included Breaks and lunch, For info contact Walter Holmes at 561-616-3455 or or Conference Keeper
FL – SW FL Germanic Genealogy Society, Inc. Annual Seminar. Â “The Winning Edge in German Research” with James M. Beidler. Member $30, nonmembers $35. Includes home-made German lunch. Registration required by 22 January 2016. No walk-ins. For more information contact or 941-625-6443
MO – Mid-Continent Library – Using HeritageQuest Where: Midwest Genealogy Ctr. 3440 S. Lee’s Summit Rd., Independence, MO. Â Using HeritageQuest. Midwest Genealogy Ctr. 3440 S. Lee’s Summit Rd., Independence, MO. For more info:
MS – Mississippi Genealogical Society Seminar with Judy Russell Hinds Community College, Rankin Campus, 515 Country Place Pkwy, Pearl, Mississippi. For more info: html
SASK – Digital Storytelling Workshop Where: Saskatchewan, Canada.  Day 1: 1-4pm. Day 2: 10a-4pm. Create your own 3-to-5 minute digital story. With the facilitator’s assistance, participants will craft and record first-person narratives, collect photographs to illustrate theirs tories and add music. For more information:
Check our calendar  or individual state pages for genealogy events today in your state. Know of any other upcoming events? Please use the Submission tab and let us know!