While a good portion of your time may be spent soaking up an unbelievable amount of genealogical research information, definitely plan to make the rounds at the Expo Hall over the course of the conference.
With over 130 exhibitors, you’re bound to come across a new genealogy service, or book, or website, or society, that will really enhance your research.
The 2017 RootsTech phone app has a very handy listing of all of the exhibitors, their booth number, and their websites.  We’ve compiled that information for you here also, followed by a fairly current map of the Exhibit Hall by booth number so you can figure out where your favorite vendors will be.
638 | 23 and Me | www.23andme.com |
922 | American Ancestors | http://americanancestors.org |
317 | Ancestor Cloud | https://ancestorcloud.com |
1029 | Ancestral Quest (Incline Software) | www.ancquest.com |
1125 | Ancestral Systems LLC | http://clooz.com |
303 | Ancestry | www.ancestry.com |
1740 | Animoto | www.animoto.com |
133 | Archives.com | www.archives.com |
230 | ArkivDigital AD AB | http://www.arkivdigital.net |
1332 | Association of Professional Genealogists | www.apgen.org |
829 | Backblaze | www.backblaze.com |
1206 | The Bead Farm | http://Utahbeadfarm.com |
828 | Billion Graves | https://billiongraves.com |
1536 | Branches | http://familytree-branches.com |
1245 | BYU | http://familyhistory.byu.edu |
1643 | By Land or By Sea | none |
1226 | BYU-Idaho | www.byui.edu |
1640 | CaptionCall | www.captioncall.com |
135 | Cherokee Nation | www.cherokee.org |
1428 | Church History Department | http://churchhistorylibrary.org |
1534 | The Connections Games | http://theconnectionsgames.com |
1427 | Crystall Inn Hotel & Suites | http://www.crystalinnsaltlake.com |
1227 | DAR | www.dar.org |
1142 | Day One | http://dayoneapp.com |
1118 | Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) | https://dp.la |
338 | Drouin Institute | www.genealogiequebec.com |
1222 | e-ImageData Corporation | www.e-imagedata.com |
1117 | E-Z Photo Scan | http://ezphotoscan.com |
1744 | EasyFamilyHistory.com | http://easyfamilyhistory.com |
1441 | Elk Meadow Designs | www.TheTapestree.com |
1105 | Emberall.com | http://emberall.com |
1628 | Epson America | |
1235 | Evidentia Software | http://evidentiasoftware.com |
1835 | Excelsior College | https://genealogy.excelsior.edu |
1324 | Extreme Genes | http://extremegenes.com |
629 | Famicity | www.famicity.com |
1043 | Family ChartMasters | http://familychartmasters.com |
1127 | Family Heritage Publishers | |
1232 | The Family History Guide L3c | http://www.thefhguide.com |
1836 | The Family Nexus | http://thefamilynexus.com |
1844 | Family Tree and Me | www.familytreeandme.com |
636 | Family Tree DNA | www.familytreedna.com |
1136 | Family Tree Magazine | www.familytreemagazine.com |
225 | Family Tree Maker | www.familytreemaker.com |
1326 | Family Trees and Timelines | www.familytreesandtimelines.com |
515 | Family.Me | www.family.me |
1007 | FamilySearch Book Scanning | |
635 | FamilySearch Coaches Corner | www.familysearch.org |
214 | FamilySearch Missionary Recruitment | |
Famrly | www.famrly.com | |
702 | Find My Past | www.findmypast.com |
142 | Finland’s Family History Association | www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/index_eng.htm |
1837 | Fjor Films | www.fjorfilms.com |
224 | Fold3 | www.fold3.com |
802 | Forever | www.forever.com |
1930 | Funtastic Wholesale | |
1025 | The Game of Genealogy | www.thegameofgenealogy.com |
1204 | Genealogists.com | https://genealogists.com |
1631 | Genealogy Tours of Scotland | www.genealogytoursofscotland.ca |
333 | Genealogy WallCharts | |
623 | GenealogyBank.com | www.genealogybank.com |
1132 | GenealogyDOTcoach | http://genealogy.coach |
539 | Geneanet | |
1542 | GenerationStory | |
1425 | Genlighten.com | http://genlighten.com |
4123 | Georgia Genealogical Society | http://gagensociety.org |
1333 | GPS Origins | https://gpsorigins.com |
1126 | Group National Publishing | |
1334 | Heritage Genealogical College | www.genealogy.edu |
1831 | Heritage of Heroes.com | www.heritageofheroes.com |
Heirloom Show & Tell | ||
1834 | High 5 Communications | http://GenealogyJr.com |
232 | Historic Journals | https://hjournals.com |
1841 | HistoryLines | http://historylines.com |
1027 | ICAPGen | www.icapgen.org |
1019 | Iimage Retrieval Inc | www.iiri.com |
1842 | The In-Depth Genealogist | www.theindepthgenealogist.com |
1735 | Intelligent Image Management | www.capturedata.com |
336 | International German Genealogy Partnership | www.iggpartner.org |
137 | Irish Family History Centre | www.irishfamilyhistorycentre.com |
JewishGen.org | www.JewishGen.org | |
1335 | JoyFLIPS | www.joyflips.com |
814 | JRNL | www.jrnl.com |
1540 | kidsHeritage | www.myheritagebook.com |
1433 | Kindex | http://kindex.org |
415 | Konica Minolta Bus Solutions USA | www.countonkonicaminolta.com |
1336 | Larsen Digital Services | www.larsendigital.com |
1444 | LDS Ancestral Families Assoc | http://ldsafa.org |
1023 | Legacy Books | www.legacybooks.com |
1731 | Legacy Family Tree | www.legacyfamilytree.com |
615 | Legacy Republic | www.legacyrepublic.com |
1119 | Legacy Tree Genealogists | https://legacytree.com |
1123 | LifeBio | www.lifebio.com |
1138 | Lisa Louise Cooke’s Genealogy Gems | www.genealogygems.com |
1633 | Maia’s Genealogy & History Books | www.maiasbooks.com |
1144 | Maureen Taylor | https://maureentaylor.com |
1524 | Moorshead Magazines | |
523 | MooseRoots | http://mooseroots.com |
1642 | Mountain West Digital Library | http://mwdl.org |
330 | Museu del Cognome | www.museodelcognome.it |
316 | MyCanvas | www.mycanvas.com |
502 | MyHeritage | www.myheritage.com |
519 | National Genealogical Society | www.ngsgenealogy.org |
1322 | New York Genealogical & Biographical Society | www.newyorkfamilyhistory.org |
222 | Newspapers.com | www.newspapers.com |
1327 | Our Family Storybook | www.ourfamilystorybook.com |
734 | Pictures & Stories, Inc | |
1934 | Pioneer Maps | http://pioneermaps.com |
1942 | Publish Your Legacy Now | http://publishyourlegacynow.com |
235 | Qidenus | www.qidenus.com |
Qroma LLC | http://qroma.net | |
1434 | ResearchTies LLC | http://researchties.com |
1426 | RootFinder | www.rootsfinder.com |
723 | RootsMagic | http://rootsmagic.com |
1741 | Salt Lake CC Continuing Education | www.slccontinuinged.com/program/genealogy |
1528 | Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy | http://slig.ugagenealogy.org |
1437 | Salt Lake Plaza Hotel at Temple Square | www.plaza-hotel.com |
133 | Southern California Genealogical Society | www.scgsgenealogy.com |
1442 | ST Imaging | http://stimaging.com |
1845 | Story 2 Ink | www.story2ink.com |
1440 | TapGenes | http://tapgenes.com |
1436 | TMC Place Audio Video & Film Transfer | www.transferduplication.com |
TSOLife | www.tsolife.com | |
334 | Twile | www.twile.com |
239 | Ukranian Bar for Foreign Affairs | http://ukrinur.com |
1337 | University of Dundee | www.dundee.ac.uk/calis |
1644 | University of Strathclyde | www.strath.ac.uk/genealogy |
1445 | Unlock the Past | www.unlockthepast.com.au |
1323 | Utah Division of State History | http://history.utah.gov |
1429 | Utah Genealogical Association | http://ugagenealogy.org |
1422 | Utah State Archives | http://archives.utah.gov |
1229 | WikiTree | www.WikiTree.com |
129 | WordPress.com | http://www.wordpress.com |
1037 | Your DNA Guide | http://www.yourDNAguide.com |
(Download the above list in PDF form here)
*please note that Kindex is at Booth 1433
 (Download the PDF for this map here)
2017 ConferenceKeeper RootsTech 2017 Expo Hall Map