Calendar bites, March 20

Read today’s Calendar bites for the agenda of this day’s family history events and historical celebrations.
Review our Calendar, Call for Papers, Contests, or other pages to see what other events are coming up.


  • Henrik Ibsen, 1828. Norwegian playright.
  • Fred McFeely Rogers, 1928. Better known as “Mister Rogers”, beloved children’s television show host, whose mother made all of the sweaters that he wore on his show.
  • B.F. Skinner, 1904. American psychologist, pioneer in behaviorism and best know for developing the “Skinner box”, an enclosed experimental environment.
  • Frederick Winslow Taylor, 1856. Known in the business world as “The Father of Scientific Management.”


Act Happy Week
Great American MeatOut
Holy Week
National Poison Prevention Week
National Cherry Blossom Festival
Palm Sunday
Proposal Day
First day of Spring
United Nations International Day of Happiness
Won’t You Be My Neighbor Day
World Folk Tales and Fables Week

Today’s events

See the Location pages for more information on these events:

Grant application deadline
MD – Baltimore County Genealogical Society.

