Quite simply, ConferenceKeeper.org is the most complete, entirely free, online calendar of genealogy conferences & events.
To paraphrase Victor Hugo,
No one can stop a good idea.
Started by Jen Baldwin in October 2012, Conference Keeper was created as a single go-to website for finding information about genealogy and family history conferences. As Jen became more deeply involved with other genealogical work, Conference Keeper took a break and idled until late in 2015, when friends Eowyn Langholf and Tami Osmer Mize felt the site beckon, and re-designed and re-ignited the Conference Keeper website. With a new look and an expanded mission, ConferenceKeeper.org again began curating and calendaring the dates and details of genealogy and family history conferences, seminars, workshops, and other genealogy-education related events.
After the first year, Eowyn also left as other genealogy commitments increased. So while I continue to often use the “royal WE,” ConferenceKeeper is solely me, Tami Osmer Mize. It has become a true passion project, to share genealogy events, information, and education with others.
In 2022, we became an official IRS 501(c)3 non-profit charitable organization, under the name of Genealogy ConferenceKeeper.org, Inc., and in 2023, we merged and became part of the National Genealogical Society (NGS), improving administration for ConferenceKeeper, increasing support for NGS member organizations, as well as increasing our opportunities to serve the genealogy community.
Our Mission
The mission of ConferenceKeeper is to connect individuals seeking genealogy education with those providing such opportunities. In this way, we support local genealogical societies and libraries, as well as genealogy-related businesses, by providing a wider audience for their programs while offering our calendar of thousands of genealogical education opportunities as a free resource for anyone who may be interested in furthering their own family history research knowledge.
Submit Genealogy Conferences & Events!
We welcome submissions from local, state, national, and international genealogical and family history societies; libraries; museums; and private businesses and individuals. ConferenceKeeper is a service to the genealogy community: completely free to submit and completely free to use! All that is asked in return is that you tell others about ConferenceKeeper.org. Genealogy events are always more fun with friends.